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Friday 8 July 2011

BREASTFEED your baby.....while u can mommies :)

Salam mommies.....How are you? Hope all of you are in a pink of health... I'm back from Taiwan and it was a sweet moment for me...

Me at Siaoyukeng Volcano...
 Ok I nak cerita pasal breastfeeding... Mommies I remember my first time breastfed my daughter. Subhanallah...kagum dengan kuasa Allah, baby yang baru 5 minit dilahirkan, masih lagi merah boleh menyusu tanpa diajar oleh sesiapa... So mommies make sure you inform your doctor you want to breastfeed your babies right after born. Colostrum exists right after birth and that is the powerful fluid you must give to your baby for their protection..

But how to breastfeed? hehehhe I pon dulu kekok sangat nak breastfeed my baby sampai kene marah dgn nurse. So I do a visual guide supaya mommies sume x kekok sgt nak breastfeed.

1. Getting started
First of all mommies... duduk dengan selesa dan pastikan bahagian belakang badan bersandar pada cushion. Pastikan tak membongkok semasa menyusu..nanti sakit belakang. and support bawah kepala baby dgn bantal so that lengan u all tak lenguh.

2. How to latch your baby onto your breast?

Pastikan mulut baby berada di bawah nipples. Tunggu sehingga mulut baby terbuka sepenuhnya and feed your baby. Make sure your baby take in most of the aereola part. It will triggers the milk to flow into your baby's mouth. Jangan beri baby anda menghisap bahagian nipple bcos susu xakan keluar dr bahagian ni...dan mommies akan berasa sakit dan luka if baby menghisap bahagian nipple sahaja..

3.  Penyusuan yang betul...

Scooping in a big mouthful of breast lets your baby draw your breast deeply into his mouth, creating a teat from which to feed. Your nipple will then be right at the back of his mouth, at the point where the hard roof of his mouth gives way to the soft area. With a mouthful like this, your baby will be able to use his tongue smoothly and rhythmically against the under surface of your breast, and remove milk from the ducts.

So mommies...hope it will help you prepare your breastfeeding journey. So I akan post more blog about is a fun topics to share. Next month bulan puasa, It's my first time fasting and breastfeeding... Ikut hukum 'Orang yang mengandung dan menyusukan anak sepanjang tahun dibenarkan untuk tidak berpuasa dan wajib membayar fidyah'... So mommies yang dah ada experience puasa sambil breastfeed boleh share tak?

Hope to see you all again.... Be Vogue, Be Fabulous, Be Kind and Gentle... LOVE -SUE-

Friday 24 June 2011

DATING SCAN ....... Lalalalalalala.....

Hi mommies before I fly to Taiwan, need to share something with u ollss...
Mommies yang kandungan 28 weeks dah boleh buat detail scan. Nowadays banyak klinik2 tawarkan perkhidmatan detail scan 3d/4d....

This is Arfa's 3d scan video at 28 weeks....Baby so shy tak nak tunjuk muka...nak surprise mommy n daddy. I went to poliklinik MediNur at Puchong cos they gave a good price. RM90 for 3d/4d detail scan inclusive of CD, Pictures,Report and Videos. Whoever near to Puchong can always contact JEZZLYN (0176202933) to fix an appointment. Normal 3d/4d scan at PUSRAWI is about RM120-200 depends on what package u like to take.

It is recommended to do a detail scan from 28 weeks to 30 weeks. This is the ideal time to see your baby face, body, genital, organs and check your amniotic fluid level. During my pregnancy, I always did a dating scan every month because i miss my baby so much. Now she's always in front of me growing stronger, cute,funny and so damn clever...HER FIRST WORD AT 2 MNTHS OLD IS MA....MA.... Her favourite artist n music (BRUNO MARS....SONG: MARRY YOU) Her favourite Surah (SURAH YASSIN)

Ok mommies i need to pack n get 1 hour of sleep. Arfa will wake up at 3.00 am and 5.00 am to breastfeed. Keep up BF spirits mommies.....See You next Week

Tuesday 21 June 2011



It has been quite awhile since my last entry. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all daddies. Especially to my FATHER and also my knight in shining armour ROSHARIZAL ROSLI...LOVE U BOTH ALWAYS...
Ok for this blog i will share something on Pregnancy and Overdue....O....Yes...I delivered my baby after 40weeks and 5 days and with the help of induce procedure to speed up the labour process. I dont think im in labour yet if i didnt get induce because my baby feels happy MIAMI ALL YOU CAN EAT....But BABY!!!!! you have to get out NOW!!!!!

Normally doctors will allow the baby stay inside your womb after you past your due date for maximum 10 days. More than that you will be induced to start the contraction. Let's see how you can speed up the pregnancy

  • Go talk a walk and don't stay wondering when your baby coming...
  • Pray and doa' to ALLAH SWT
  • Bring your husband to buy groceries...( u can window shopping too...)
  • Inform close relatives and friends not to ring you everyday...Tell them u will inform them once the baby pops!!!
  • Go have a DATE with your hubby. Your honeymoon life with hubby will say goodbye to u...and many many many sleepless nights will welcomes you.
  • Take a rest, play your favourite music
  • Eat spicy food also can help in spontaneous labour
  • Have romantic date and intercourse with your hubby bcos the hormon release during orgasm is used by doctors to start labour at hospitals...
  • Higher risk of stillbirth or neonatal death
  • Difficulties in normal labour as past due baby tends to grow bigger and ceaserean is the best option
  • You can always go for INDUCTION
  • MEMBRANE SWEEPING - Increase chances of labour within 48 hours
  • CTG procedure to check baby's heart beat,contraction and levels of amniotic fluid
There...I hope this calms you down mommies....Just relax, take a deep breath, gather all your strength and free your mind. Hope to see you again mommies with another new topic....SEE YAH!!!

Wednesday 8 June 2011


Salam everyone....For all first time mommies herewith attached, list of items untuk menyambut ketibaan orang baru dalam family.
A very useful list....

                                   BABY'S AND MOMMY'S ITEMS TO PREPARE
           Item  Most Important       Important   Less Important
Baju / Seluar             √ 
Mitten/Booties             √ 
Topi/ Hat             √ 
Barut              √ 
Pampers/Cloth diapers             √ 
Wet tissue             √ 
Napkin                √ 
Cotton tip                √ 
Minyak angin             √ 
Towel              √ 
Blanket               √ 
Changing mat             √ 
Bakul moses                √ 
Set tilam/bantal/kelambu            √ 
Buaian baby               √
Bouncinette               √
Baby cot               √ 
Baby's toiletries            √ 
Breast pump            √ 
EBM Storage           √ 
Beg baby              √
Berus botol              √ 
Termos              √ 
Stroller                √ 
Sterilizer/Warmer               √ 
Maternity Pad/Bengkung                √ 
Pacifier/Putting kosong                √
Cooler bag(EBM storage)               √  

Don'T Forget list of items yang perlu dibawa ke hospital:
  • Kemeja T - 3 Nos                                                     
  • Stokin tebal - 3 Nos
  • Barangan keperluan diri
  • Termos air panas
  • Maternity bra - 3 nos
  • Maternity panties - 6 nos
  • Pakaian baby including stokin,pampers,towel and bedung - bawa untuk 2 hari dalam wad
  • Minyak angin, vicks
Hopefully checklist ni boleh jadi panduan mommies semua.....GOOD LUCK TO ALL FIRST MOMMIES :)

Monday 6 June 2011


Assalamualaikum......hello was ur weekend last week? School holiday is here and I bet all parents are taking leave to bring their children for a holiday. My family and I went to Penang last Saturday (4th June 2011). Our car broke down at km 188.6 after Bukit Merah rest area. Huhuhuuu...Sue,Hubby and Arfa kene naik tow truck sampai nearest plaza tol. Luckily parents Sue datang pick up Arfa and Sue while hubby pg workshop repair kete.

Such an interesting and frustrating experience. Arfa umo 3 bulan dah naik tow truck. Actually masa tunggu tow truck datang. The 3 of us tunggu tepi hiway yang bnyk kete. I was worried kalau2 ada kereta or lori skidded n langgar we all. My prayer to Allah that Arfa will be safe n sound. I carried Arfa for 40 weeks in my womb and I will never let anything harm her. It was a precious gift from Allah for my 27th birthday. (We share the same birth month; Sue: 20th Feb 1984, Arfa: 28th Feb 2011)

Ok mommies...Question 1:  WHEN U KNOW THAT YOU ARE PREGNANT ?

Sue notice when i missed my period for 2 weeks around early June 2010. UPT test done but NEGATIVE result showed. I waited until end of June 2010 and test for UPT again, Alhamdulilah it's a POSITIVE sign. rIZAL N sUE, we were glad to hear the good news. Early July came and I had a serious bleeding and went to see a gynae. Scan result shows that we had lost the baby. Ya Allah sedihnya kami time tu. I cried in my sleep and luckily for me Rizal was there to comfort me.

But my mother's instinct told me that my baby is still there. Sue n hubby berdoa kepada Allah untuk selamatkan kandungan kami. By mid of July 2010, Sue pegi 2nd visit to gynae for D&C and was surprised that my baby's growing in my womb. Happy nyer time pon terkejut sbb fetus still attached and she has a good heart beat. And for the 2nd time I cried now in joy. Alhamdulilah Allah perkenankan doa kami berdua. So mommies...What Is Your Stories??? Do share with me...

  • yOU Missed your monthly cycle ( it applies for normal 28-day cycle women)( i did)
  • Rasa letih dan lesu (Fatigue) (I did)
  • Muntah pada awal pagi, petang atau malam (Morning sickness) ( I did for abt 5 months)
  • Your breast start to swells ( I did)
  • Mood swing (I did n slalu rizal kene marah..hehehhe)
  • Frequent urination (Yes sure did, penat tiap2 mlm bgn pg toilet)
  • bACKACHES (Yes sgt azab sbb tido pon xleh)
  • Food craving (hehehe...anyone experiencing this? i don't )
Ok I need a good rest for tonite. Arfa dah tido n hubby working late night. I am glad that  my late night work has not started yet. Looking forward for tomorrow; another challenging day for me.

It's me SUE signing off-----GOOD NITE MOMMIES (yawnnn!!!!) 

Thursday 2 June 2011

JAUNDICE......common for newborn nowadays...


Sue apply cuti hari ni. Parents and semua ahli2 keluarga pegi kenduri kawen abang sedara kat penang. So kenela take turn jaga ARFA. Today ARFA woke up at 6.00am. pagi2 lagi dah menjerit mintak dukung bawak pegi jalan2. 7.00am sue masukkan ARFA dalam stroller and pusing2 kat taman sekeliling area umah. HAAAAAA.....FRESH AIR. Tetiba teringat plak masa dalam confinement dulu, ARFA selalu kene jemur waktu pagi sebab JAUNDICE.

What is JAUNDICE? jaundis terjadi kepada 50% of newborn baby pada awal2 kelahiran. Jaundis happens when darah baby mengandungi tahap bilirubin yang tinggi. Jaundis terbahagi kepada 2 iaitu FISIOLOGI jaundis dan PATOLOGI jaundis. Fisiologi jaundis tak berbahaya tetapi Patologi jaundis berisiko tinggi kepada baby. Baby akan kelihatan kuning pada kulit dan juga putih mata. Jaundis selalunya tak berbahaya dan akan hilang dalam masa 1-2 weeks. Tetapi kisah SUE dgn ARFA lain plak. Jaundis ARFA pada tahap yg sgt kritikal sekitar 25mg/L. ARFA termasuk dalam golongan jaundis berisiko sebab KUMPULAN DARAH IBU DAN ANAK TAK SAMA. Syukur kepada ALLAH, SUE n HUBBY tergerak hati bawak ARFA pegi hospital. Kalau lambat bawak kemungkinan ARFA akan kene tukar darah untuk mengurangkan risiko kecacatan otak.

First day dalam NICU,sedih tgk ARFA kene jemur bawah UV light tak pakai baju. ARFA masa tu sangat kecik. berat turun dr 2.35kg to 2.15kg. ARFA menangis tak berenti dari malam sampai pagi. SUE terpaksa bagi susu guna syringe sbb xboleh angkat selalu baby dr bawah lampu.Nurse suruh perah susu tapi susu badan xkeluar langsung jadi terpaksa mintak nurse susu tambahan. Hari ke-2 dalam wad hujan turun dari awal pagi. Temperature wad time tu sgt sejuk even SUE pakai baju 2 3 lapis boleh rasa sejuk.ARFA menangis non-stop sbb sejuk sampai minum susu pon xnak.

Alhamdulilah hari ke-3 dalam wad, jaundis ARFA pada tahap yang stabil and boleh masuk observation wad. Sue langsung tak tido selama 48 jam sebab risau terlajak tido n tak bagi susu kat ARFA on time. Hari ke-3 doctor check darah ARFA n lega dah boleh kuar wad. Tapi kami kene buat follow up kat klinik kesihatan. Walaupon dah stabil, Jaundis ARFA hilang agak lama dalam masa 1bulan lebih. Alhamdulillah skang ARFA sihat berat badan pon naik n makin beisi.

  • Kumpulan darah IBU dan ANAK tak sama atau IBU berkumpulan darah negative ( rhesus negatif atau ibu berdarah 'O')
  • G6PD berkurangan pada baby
  • Jangkitan kuman pada baby
  • Pendengaran baby akan terjejas sekiranya jaundis pada tahap yg tinggi tak dirawat
  • Kerosakan otak yg teruk (kernicterus)
  • Segera bawa jumpa DOC sekiranya jaundis mula berlaku. selalunya baby tak kan masuk wad kalau tahap bilirubin tak tinggi. tapi bagi yg tergolong dalam jaundis berisiko akan masuk NICU.
  • Kerap bagi susu setiap 2 jam sekali dan pastikan baby buang air besar. Bilirubin akan dikeluarkan oleh baby semasa pembuangan air besar.
  • Tidur bersama baby waktu mlm 'co-sleeping' utk memudahkan bagi susu pada waktu mlm.
  • Jangan biarkan baby tido lebih dr 2 jam. Kejutkan baby utk menyusu.
  • Usahakan menyusu badan sbb susu tepung xmembantu dalam memulihkan jaundis berisiko.
Sekiranya baby xtergolong dalam jaundis berisiko mommies2 semua bolehla ikut petua org tua2 dulu :-
  • Jemur baby pagi2
  • Mandikan dgn bunga apa ntah beli kat kedai sensei
  • Mandikan dgn daun belimbing buluh dgn daun dukung anak (petua mak mentua sue dgn mak sue)
  • Bagi minum susu kambing (tapi cara ni sgt tak digalakkan sbb perut baby xbleh proses lg susu kambing)
OK habis cerita pasal JAUNDICE ni...harap2 dapat membantu mommies yang akan bersalin xlama lagi.

See u mommies in the next post....Have a blessed FRIDAY...XOXO

Wednesday 1 June 2011



Bulan ni ramai kawan2 sue yg akan menempuh saat2 kelahiran baby pertama. Sue teringat balik 3 months back macam mana sue mengharungi detik2 cemas nak bersalin. Actually, sue dah amek cuti 1 month earlier sbb dah sarat n kaki dah tersangatla bengkak. Ikut kata doctor, sue sepatutnya bersalin 15th mac 2011. But i felt something wrong with my body so i went to see a specialist. Jumpa specialist dia ckp sue akan deliver baby on 24th Feb 2011. Cuaknyer...sbb xprepare apa2 pon.

Nak ditambahkan rencah dalam cerita ni, parents sue kene gigit kucing gila belaan mak sue. so kaki mak kenela jahit n xleh jalan. time ni tinggal lg 2 weeks je nak bersalin. dengan kaki yg bengkak kenela tlg mak kejap buat house chores...

The best part came...24th feb datang, takde gak tanda2 sakit nak bersalin. so I wait for weekend to come. time ni mak sue dah ok n dah boleh jalan. 26th feb tu ari sabtu. sue bawak mak n adik pegi shopping beli kasut kat NOSE WAREHOUSE sale Subang Jaya. time tengah2 berebut dgn org ramai nak crk kasut, perut rasa mengeras n pangkal peha dah terasa kebas. Tapi sue buat bodoh je n continue la shopping sampai pukul 3 petang. time tengah nak mkn lunch, tetiba rasa baby xmove,n trus pg jumpa dr. doctor check pastu trus kene marah sbb air ketuban dah kritikal. dengan secepat yg mungkin dibawa ke hospital and trus admit dalam wad. On 27th Feb 2011, sue telah diberi ubat induce utk paksa baby kuar. pukul 9.00pg induce, pukul 10.00 pagi start sakit and sue tahan sakit yg teramat sgt mcm nk putus nyawa selama 18 jam. Lastly on 28th FEB 2011 pukul 4.21 A.M lahirlah tuan puteri ARFA HUMAIRA BT ROSHARIZAL. kuar je trus sakit ilang. L.E.G.A......

OK ini tips nak tau time bersalin tu dah sampai ke belum....
  • Sakit bahagian pinggang dan cramp kat bawah perut (ni sakit macam org period pain)
  • Keluar darah ( slalunye time ni bukaan dah 2cm)
  • Contraction yang semakin kuat dan interval semakin singkat dan juga semakin sakit.( Contraction bermula dari bahagian atas perut n merebak ke bahagian bawah perut)
  • Air ketuban pecah (90% pregnancy air ketuban dipecahkan oleh doctor- so jgn pecaya sgt citer kat tv tu)
Ok time nak tunggu masuk labour room tu gunakanla tips2 ni:-
  • Baca zikir, Lailla hailla anta, subhanaka inni, kuntu minazzalimin setiap kali contraction datang. (insya allah dipermudahkan)
  • Banyak kan berjalan walaupon sakit contraction tu mcm nak mati dah.
  • Melainkan dr dh advise nak ceaser, mommies yg boleh normal kene makan n minum utk tenaga.
  • Berserah dan berdoa kepada ALLAH.
Until we meet again ......TATA :)