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Friday 8 July 2011

BREASTFEED your baby.....while u can mommies :)

Salam mommies.....How are you? Hope all of you are in a pink of health... I'm back from Taiwan and it was a sweet moment for me...

Me at Siaoyukeng Volcano...
 Ok I nak cerita pasal breastfeeding... Mommies I remember my first time breastfed my daughter. Subhanallah...kagum dengan kuasa Allah, baby yang baru 5 minit dilahirkan, masih lagi merah boleh menyusu tanpa diajar oleh sesiapa... So mommies make sure you inform your doctor you want to breastfeed your babies right after born. Colostrum exists right after birth and that is the powerful fluid you must give to your baby for their protection..

But how to breastfeed? hehehhe I pon dulu kekok sangat nak breastfeed my baby sampai kene marah dgn nurse. So I do a visual guide supaya mommies sume x kekok sgt nak breastfeed.

1. Getting started
First of all mommies... duduk dengan selesa dan pastikan bahagian belakang badan bersandar pada cushion. Pastikan tak membongkok semasa menyusu..nanti sakit belakang. and support bawah kepala baby dgn bantal so that lengan u all tak lenguh.

2. How to latch your baby onto your breast?

Pastikan mulut baby berada di bawah nipples. Tunggu sehingga mulut baby terbuka sepenuhnya and feed your baby. Make sure your baby take in most of the aereola part. It will triggers the milk to flow into your baby's mouth. Jangan beri baby anda menghisap bahagian nipple bcos susu xakan keluar dr bahagian ni...dan mommies akan berasa sakit dan luka if baby menghisap bahagian nipple sahaja..

3.  Penyusuan yang betul...

Scooping in a big mouthful of breast lets your baby draw your breast deeply into his mouth, creating a teat from which to feed. Your nipple will then be right at the back of his mouth, at the point where the hard roof of his mouth gives way to the soft area. With a mouthful like this, your baby will be able to use his tongue smoothly and rhythmically against the under surface of your breast, and remove milk from the ducts.

So mommies...hope it will help you prepare your breastfeeding journey. So I akan post more blog about is a fun topics to share. Next month bulan puasa, It's my first time fasting and breastfeeding... Ikut hukum 'Orang yang mengandung dan menyusukan anak sepanjang tahun dibenarkan untuk tidak berpuasa dan wajib membayar fidyah'... So mommies yang dah ada experience puasa sambil breastfeed boleh share tak?

Hope to see you all again.... Be Vogue, Be Fabulous, Be Kind and Gentle... LOVE -SUE-